Character designs | Southern Cross Paediatric Wards

A set of characters for creative agency Davey & Chapman and their client Southern Cross Paediatric Wards. I was engaged to create a series of friendly and engaging character designs to help educate and entertain children through the patient journey. As well as creating the designs, I supplied layered, movable 2D illustrated assets that could be used across a mix of print and digital media, as well as apparel and way-finding.

 Illustrations for Interactive diversion therapy | Te Wao Nui

In 1912 Royal Douton was leading the way for diversion therapy at Te Wao Nui/Wellington Children’s Hospital. 110 years later, technology provider Datacom had the privilege of working with Wētā Workshop Ltd and LG Electronics and create an experience fit for the next 110 years. I was engaged to create bespoke illustrated assets for a live donation screen and spatially interactive game of I-spy in the New Zealand wilderness.

Google Doodle representing NZ in the WWC | Google

I was selected to represent New Zealand with a global Google Doodle during the 2019 Women’s World Cup. New Zealand is well known our unique flora and fauna, so this was a central theme in my concepts. I used a selection of our native animals as characters to express the diversity and exuberance of New Zealand fanbase. The Tūī is bringing the orange slices for half-time.

Illustration & Design for a set of data-driven resources | NZ Government

A series of memorable characters, named and designed to represent different business segments. Each character and its associated ‘stats’ were represented on a series of posters and card decks present in meeting rooms and office spaces. Characters included ‘Lone Ranger’, ‘Delegator’, and ‘Master of Trade’.